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Linux Network Administrator's Guide (review only)

Linux Network Administrator's Guide is written by Tony Bautts, Terry Dawson and Gregor Purdy. This Linux book is intended for Linux Network Administrators who wish to get Linux practical advice, knowing hardware considerations, working of essential networking software, TCP/IP, Linux wireless networking and Linux Firewalling, etc. This book is published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. Linux Network Administrator's Guide helps you to master in latest Linux networking technologies.
Linux Network Administrator's Guide
covers the following topics in detail.
  1. You will learn wireless hubs, OpenLDAP, IMAP, FreeS/WAN, OpenSSH, Spam filtering, BIND, IPV6 and more.
  2. This book is emerged with Linux Documentation Project (LDP) which covers topics such as installing, using and running Linux.
  3. You can learn all popular and latest networking services in Linux distributions.
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Linux Network Administrator's Guide

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